For my Blog Buddies With Benefits: I am delighted to share with you my newest hot off the press book, "Poetry Pouring (from Subton Switch).
This is not just a book of poetry. It follows my characters in their own minds, hearts, and souls, to disclose their innermost feelings. If you have already read "Subton Switch," you will be intrigued by the insights this poetry offers into each character's psyche.
If you have NOT read "Subton Switch," what's stopping you? If you have been my blog buddy during the publication phase of "Subton Switch," you will have received an email with the full manuscript. For new Blog Buddies, and those of you who would appreciate the REAL copy, it is available on Amazon as ebook and paperback.
There are no spoiler alerts to be wary of in reading "Poetry Pouring (from Subton Switch). One main theme is opioid addiction. A main character struggles with this terrible curse, and we on the outside see her suffering, and the collective pain of her friends and family, and community. The poetry in this new book is important to who the character is, and I believe it is relatable to individuals and families affected by the current opioid crisis.
"Poetry Pouring (from Subton Switch) is my lucky 13th book, and my 6th volume of poetry. It is one of my favourites so far, because it is based on "Subton Switch," the book I am most proud of writing. I hope these books entertain you with their silliness, set your heart racing with romance, burst your adrenaline rushing with their action, and sneak into your inner thoughts.
Because you are my Blog Buddy, this copy is free to you here. Please understand that it is not in its sparkly finished form so the formatting might be a little rough. But the content is all here, pure.
If you wouldn't mind sparing a minute or two to write a review on Amazon (and Goodreads too!), it would truly encourage me. Even if you hated the book! Reviews are the best ways to help me.
Thank you for your readership, and your continued support.
May your clocks always chime.
Poetry Pouring (From Subton Switch)
by Jessica Lucci
Published by Jessica Lucci and Indie Woods
Waltham, Massachusetts, USA
Copyright 2019 by Jessica Lucci and Indie Woods
Cover Design based on Steven Novak Illustration All rights reserved
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permissions contact: JessicaLucci@JessicaLucci.org
Poetry Pouring
(from Subton Switch)
Jessica Lucci
Waltham, Massachusetts, United States of America
Indie Woods
With appreciation for:
Yasira, Teresa, Mark, Bob, Deizy, and maybe even P.
Your kindness lingers in these words.
May we soon never meet again.
About this Book
These are poems from and inspired by “Subton Switch,” Book 2 in the “Watch City Trilogy. Each character has a chapter to express emotions experienced throughout the underwater time travel adventure.
Chapter 1
Ani, her friend, had found her!
You need a family
We have a family
You need a brother or sister
We have a brother or sister
You need to have fun
We have fun!
Our family needs you
You can be our family
We need a brother or a sister
You are a brother or a sister
We need to have fun
You have fun!
Our family is bigger now and even more fun
We are glad to all be a family together
Chapter 2
Nothing’s so tough to get through that a strong bit of willpower won’t fix.
I swam with the smelts and the snappers
Floated with the pikes and the jacks
Dove with the chubs and the croakers
I'd still like to get my stickleback
Joyously watching
Invisible nibbling
Tangible bait fish
Chapter 3
If I am going to die puking my green guts out, at least let me die puking my green guts out onto dry land.
I’ve got a notebook in my pocket
A lucky penny in my shoe
An empty heart-shaped locket
In my favourite colour blue
And a daisy in my hair
Cheers me up everywhere
Anytime I feel so slow
I smell the daisy then I know
I’ve got a daisy in my hair
When life feels too unfair
I twirl the daisy in my hands
Hypnotizing dead demands
With a daisy in my hair
My mind’s physical
I am drunk enough to be
brave in my confusion
I could get wrapped up in your
For me, the feelings in your fiction are real
Fate is a cruel mistress
Feeling good is always real
Bird or fish
Which am I
Feather or fin
Which air do I breathe
Through which lungs
You’re my friend right
If not cool
Just tell me
I can take it for real
Just don’t play me
I can take a thrill
And I can take a friend
I can take it all
If I know what it is
I don’t remember
the last time I held a frog
Cupped in my hands
an everlasting emerald
But I know how it felt
holding the world
Simultaneously dry and wet
morning grass
in spring’s first sun
When you awake in rained air
flex your toes on jeweled grass
and plant yourself
a seed
connected to the world
Golden egg
That’s what she calls me
Swim away
You lonely river
Golden Egg
I need to be free
I’ll fly away
Like birds who do not stay
Beyond the ol’ Missouri
Remember it had been only two weeks
Before we stepped outside
To touch the grass
And then we cried
Is it possible
The question we all ask
When we want it to be true
But are afraid to dare it to
Is it possible
The dreams we take to task
When we know what we want to do
And know the answer lies in you
In your love
In your soul
It’s your breath
That breathes me whole
In your love
In your soul
It’s your breath
That breathes me whole
Can you imagine
That is what we say
When we want to reach that peak
But we’re too afraid to speak
Can you imagine
The life that gets in our way
When we know just what we seek
And know if we just took a peek
In your love
In your soul
It’s your breath
That breathes me whole
In your love
In your soul
It’s your breath
That breathes me whole
What if we did that
The daydreams that we share
When we want to believe
But don’t want to be naive
What if we did that
Those things we wish to dare
When trails of words we weave
And two hearts never leave
In your love
In your soul
It’s your breath
That breathes me whole
In your love
In your soul
It’s your breath
That breathes me whole
If your freedom
Was as easy
As trading my life for yours
It would be done
I would give it all
As I began
As you began
In the stars of my eyes
Huzzah to buzzing bees and mossy trees!
To honeyed breeze and dirty knees!
Kill me afore I’d rejoin the seas!
In death’s circumstance
Give my body for transplants
All else that remains
Let be science’s gains
If my closets are full
Of useless nothing
Do what you will
And let my birds sing
Why are we struck here
I feel her calling out to me
Not my child, yet mine
Sun-streaked feathered hair
Grit embedded in scabbed knees
We had no bike helmets
Swim my love
Swim in the sea
Swim my love
Swim home to me
In the deep water
Your teardrops will fall
Keep faith; do not falter
Even when you feel small
One fish in the ocean
Can swallow the world
One red crustacean
Can redeem the lord
Swim my love
Swim in the sea
Swim my love
Swim home to me
Peer through the peephole
In my heart’s cradle
Rock with my sad soul
Hear my song rattle
Swim my love
Swim in the sea
Swim my love
Swim home to me
October’s fest
Rock art shines
Dancing in autumn winds
Ruts and grooves turn turrets
Red ale bloodier than sunset rivers
Slooping through deep canyons of chipped shale
Juice bombs explode from thirsty anorexic cactus cannons
Night shift spreads low, cooling desert dreams of water
Dynasties of animal, vegetable, mineral; dirt, breeze, and firey liquid
Smutty labs, sex, science, male, female, hetero, X to the Y
Blackberry iced tea on a warm summer morning would bring it back
Wingless eagles fly
Without ruffling feathers
Dirt paths are my sky
Chapter 4
Whatever you desire of me, I also desire, my Queen.
Aren’t voices ghosts
Unheavenly hosts
Pendulous swings
of an unblinking clock
Rivulous rings
in an unclicking dock
Sail away on your gustless raft
Bail away on your bustless craft
Swimmer avast like crows on high
Quimmer a’last as bows on tie
One thought glancing
through my mind
not unkind
If you listen
to misled reason
Dare not Christen
willful treason
Your mother is wrong
Maybe all along
He left his children
They were not his to leave
He lost who you’d been
You were not his to bereave
He left
He lost
You found - your children
You freed - who you are
Moon less full
Than a werewolf’s curse
Yet they felt its pull
Strings on a purse
Darker night
Without wishing stars
But they sank their bite
Through iron bars
Loudest howl
Like church bells rung true
On hungry prowl
They spotted you
Air more free
Drifts below wet sky
When you killed me
I vowed you’d die
Never known
Inside my heart
Power has grown
Death no depart
Ever now
I’ll keep you here
Thus disallow
Rebirth of fear
Chapter 5
Take this, and fight well. I believe in your success.
Make a wish in full moon light
I wish you all sweet dreams tonight
is the pain
of never knowing
what might have been
Glory of being killed
for being a better man
Swallow my pride tonight
Follow my guide in sight
Clasp my heart within your skin
Grasp my dart pushing it in
Wallow my tide by right
No forgiveness
Blood pouring in your veins
Not religious
Flood rising in your plains
Double your trouble cover me in sin
Triple your cripple hover me within
Chastise enigmas buried deep in space
Capsize milk sickness ferried sheep in grace
Take another
Take another
Drown in the truth
Take another
Take another
Drown in the truth
Chapter 6
What are you willing to do to secure your freedom?
Good night, my spirit
My dear Capulet
Until we wake, you
Call me Montague
Between the chimes
Of clocks and glass
Sleep’s silent mimes
Pray endless Mass
All Hallow’s Eve
I taste and see
Bright to believe
As Hell breaks free
Twisting and turning
In shadowy bands
Breaking and burning
With blistering hands
Wrath will not follow
Hiding with me here
I will not allow
The touch of gloom’s fear
In my strong embrace
I kiss your wet face
Through deep draughts of death
I’ll give you my breath
Fade away goblins
Burst into the moon
Fizzle out maudlin
Sleep in my love’s swoon
Chapter 7
If they only knew. How intense her pain was; how benignly she carried it wherever she went.
Blame not the currents of the sea
nor the sifting sands of timeless changes
Point no finger at one another
nor to fates or stars
The universe runs on its own clockwork
and by design
retains a continuous transition
from present to future
dredging up the past in its wake
This force is unstoppable
no button or rewinding mechanism
can slow the ebbs of the world’s progress
We inhabitants of the living earth
may only adapt
or not
in order to forge ahead
on the waves of passing life
Dancing a dreamscape
Fingers trail your nape
Clung close in darkness
Pressed into hardness
Hands caress your face
In our secret place
I see in your eyes
Grief when someone dies
My smile was forced though I felt no pain
Only your sorrow would my heart disdain
Who caused the hurt to invoke your mute cries
Who shall I punish for living in lies
It was me
It was I
Pretend it’s not so
It won’t be
Pass it by
We still can dance slow
Behind disguises
Former lovers dance in time
One is recognized
This is my little prick
The only blade needed in my sheath
Now you get the point
Invisible words
Between silent syllables
Secret love sustained
Lying across my pristine bed
Unruffled by collisions
What good are pillows at my head
Without mutual excursions
Into your eyes
Within my sighs
Gripping your shoulder
Grabbing me bolder
Arranging tea on my nightstand
Ignoring the herb of grace
I redress purposely and grande
Within unnecessary lace
Blue still the skies
False lullabies
Feign in black leather
Abstain white feather
Wrapping your arms within my dreams
Gleaming through hushed screams
I call out to you in my sleep
And wake before I weep
I yearn for you
Whom I never knew
Yet with your heart
My breath will depart
Rose not gold mirrored
Blue and white perched angel’s wings
Equal and different
Sunrise and sunset
This is the night I would fly
Through echos of light
Sight does no justice
To the beauty of your heart
Torn and scratched in night
Yet in migrant stars
Knowing I will not find you
I seek love’s comfort
Bad dreams become stories
I secretly tell
Within the worries
Of a soul that’s unwell
Brushing away old thoughts
Fragmented in time
Coughing as fresh flesh rots
In life’s pantomime
Nightmares in my life
Horrors in my bed
The pied piper’s fife
Piercing through my head
Unable to stop
Unwilling to break
Climbing to the top
Falling to awake
Screaming in my sleep
Does no-one hear my cry
Drowning in the deep
Without a mortal sigh
Every night a ghost
Awakens in my soul
Unheavenly host
Swallows me up whole
Wake me shake me take me
Let me be let me be let me be
Thrill me fill me kill me
Let me see let me see let me see
Chapter 8
Red hair bled on white sheets, flowing in sanguine dreams and unheard screams.
Am I that lonely
Silence, books, pens, lined paper
All my dreams come true
Busy beavers read a book
whilst wading past
their bardic brook
I don’t want to hear
that the sky is falling
I’m tired of the fear
about the world dying
I don’t want to know
when God is calling
Don’t call
don’t call
don’t call my name
Don’t say
Don’t say
don’t say my name
I don’t want the death
inhaling every breath
I don’t want the end
Defiling my friend
I am comforted
By thoughts of death
Crisp cotton sheets
Red silk on velvet
Lilies masking putrid breath
One last soft pillow
For your head
No pills to swallow
When you’re dead
That smile looks great on you
Strained as life withdrew
When people see, they never knew
Your face is never true
Always labouring long
Showing just how strong
When people see, they are so wrong
Your zeal does not belong
You cut me to the core
Blood drips to the floor
When people see, they’re so unsure
Don’t fool me anymore
Don’t remember when
No one to remember with
Remember alone
Drowning in desolation
succumbing to solitary life
Forgetting hunger for grass and sky;
wind and snow,
crunched leaves and crashed clouds
Everybody leave me alone
stop stop stop
Don’t ring my bell
Don’t knock on my door
Don’t call my phone
Don’t text anymore
Everybody please go away
go go go
Don’t sound alarms
Don’t adjust my sail
Don’t send fruit bouquets
Don’t follow my trail
Every day
the world stirs up
new drama
new anger
new terror
new worry
like a foggy nightmare
There is always something ripe
to be aware of
feel fear of
That is the unchanging change
of society
I will find new joy
new love
new curiosity
new knowledge
I will have
a hazy dream
to recreate
My pain has nowhere to go
So I go nowhere
Rummage through cartons
With nothing to show
For the brief fanfare
Of last season’s fates
My pain has nowhere to go
So I go nowhere
Surrounded by my old past
I’m getting undressed
Cuz when I go out
I must make it last
Always at my best
Yet always in doubt
Faith forever fading fast
I wind up depressed
Shuffling through the stillness
Of my cluttered dreams
Stifling the sounds
This room’s emptiness
My discarded screams
And my heart’s shutdowns
Perfect playing actress
In broken extremes
I’m telling myself someday
It could be somewhere
That maybe somehow
I will find my way
Some place to stay near
Some breath with a vow
There could be some weird way
But it’s not now
My pain has nowhere to go
So I go nowhere
Rummage through cartons
With nothing to show
For the brief fanfare
Of last season’s fates
My pain has nowhere to go
So I go nowhere
Yesterday when I had hope
And slightly more of a dope
I filled up squares on all my calendars
Late this morning I had a thing
And in my prayers my heart did sing
Because I believed in avatars
With ideas of joy filled canisters
Why are you so weird
The worst I could have feared
That question to my face
Filled me with disgrace
The prideful strangeness
Belittled in my duress
Guilty with innocence confessed
It didn’t have to be this way
That was all they had to say
And so I repeat those words
It didn’t have to be this way
I could have died another day
Flying with clipped wings among the birds
I don’t accept penitence
Everything is happenstance
Accusations more than I can bear
My flesh has cried, my peace has lied
Yet I maintained eccentric pride
Losing that acceptance is unfair
How am I supposed to live to dare
Why are you so strange
As if I’d choose to change
My favourite coping skill
Laughing away death’s chill
That painful desire
Disposable with fire
Empty the tearful inner crier
It didn’t have to be be this way
That was all they had to say
And so I repeat those words
It didn’t have to be this way
I could’ve died a different day
Flying with clipped wings among the birds
I tried and I failed to live
And I tried to fail to die
I have nothing left to give
And I cannot even cry
Back in the future of my dreams
I once believed but now it seems
All joy I’ve dared, all hope I’ve struck
Has chimed only a lack of luck
Misery marks my hollow heart
Ticking like an abandoned clock
Unwinding slowly sliced apart
With every tick and every tock
Of all my sins which ones were worse
To penance this unholy curse
What cruel act afflicted me so
I have only death left to go
I tried and I failed to heal
And I tried and failed to grieve
I have nothing left to feel
All I can do now is leave
is the bread
of poets
No moon shone upon coral
No wayward blackdragon slithered through starlit seas
No ostracod flashed with bioluminescence
All this new med
Making me brain dead
I like the relief
But maybe the grief
Is better instead
Poison got boring
If just made me sick
Let me tell you that’s no way to die
So I kept trying
To work out the trick
But there’s no easy way to say goodbye
I don’t have a gun
But if I had one
I’d really have to be in the mood
I could use a knife
To release my life
But leaving a bloody mess would be rude
So I’m left with the question
Rolling in my head
How to live without you
When I can’t be dead
Do you have a suggestion
Worth trying instead
How to live without you
When I can’t be dead
Starvation takes time
Sensory sublime
Aesthetically perfect yet weak
Or drowning myself
In a piteous gulf
Could be the quick curtain closing I seek
Plunge from a building
Just isn’t my thing
The crowd circling for a show
Burning at the stake
Dramatically fake
With that flattering heavenly glow
So I’m left with the question
Rolling in my head
How to live without you
When I can’t be dead
Do you have a suggestion
Worth trying instead
How to live without you
When I can’t be dead
Maybe I’ll be blessed
To find myself at rest
In an anonymous mystery
Sailing past the ocean
Or desert trekking with emotion
Could obscure death in eternity
So I’m left with the question
Rolling in my head
How to live without you
When I can’t be dead
Do you have a suggestion
Worth trying instead
How to live without you
When I can’t be dead
What if this ended
Not life, but this day
What if I mended
The seams of life that fray
If only things changed
Some luck, a new way
To be rearranged
In a world where I could stay
With you
So I’m left with the question
Rolling in my head
How to live without you
When I can’t be dead
Do you have a suggestion
Worth trying instead
How to live without you
When I can’t be dead
The only way I can survive
Is if I die
Or at least try
Scourging new flesh from my skin
Releasing old pain from within
Wishing upon falling stars
Waking late to rising scars
Wynken Blynkin sometimes Nod
Disapprove my thoughts so odd
When Georgie Porgie ran away
I kept vigil ere he would stay
One bent woman
Lived in a shoe
One lent demon
Followed her too
All the king’s men
And all the queen’s stew
Could not keep the blackbirds
Baked in a pie
For any regal words
Would not dare to lie
Singing my song of nonsense
I join in the tune
Breath from my subconscious
Brays pain opportune
In a crooked little house
No waters could douse
The flirting fleeting flame
Borne of love ever untame
When bluebirds fly
Through my window
Again I die
Drowned in sorrow
Rockaby baby
The sun bids goodnight
God is nigh lady
In death you sleep tight
Independently strengthened
I wish you’d find me
Watch your step
lest you pass by
jewels thus kept
in words of time
Scritch scritch
Pencil on paper
Do gods pray
To themselves
Or is it just me
Or I
Or no one
Chapter 9
We can be each other’s guiding light.
The sun and the moon
Form eyeballs in the face of the sky
Freckles of the galaxy
Disperse across the Milky Way
Breast fed moustache
Sucking and chomping
Releasing life to life for life
Leaving a black hole
Beyond irises of the unseen
Pupils dilating
Big as can be
Until brightness causes blindness
Overwhelming starlight
Burning retinas
Twinkle twinkle
Wishes in darkness
Eternity blends prayers
In a cacophony of dreams
Sleep dreamer; sleep
Wake not to this world
I never feel lonely
As I do
When in a crowd
The world is a waste
We are lonely
So we can relate to
The lonely
Close your eyes and imagine
Imagine what
I would like to tell you a crystal story
You don’t have to listen if you do not want to
You can let your mind wander wherever you want
May I tell you the story though
You may allow my words to form images in your mind
Blank at first, then tracings
Shadows, tails of falling stars
Then the shapes turn into petals
They twirl together
Now they fold in together
forming a seed
Then the seed spurts up in bright hues
These are the colours seen in the fire of a Bunsen burner
Vivid blue
The seed leaves a trail like a lightening eel
Then a series of flashes
like glowing crystals
burst from the seed
They rain upon the horizon’s edge like falling stars
And the tracing continues
a flower
then bursting into a thousand petals
then white
then purple
then a fine trace of a borderline colour
purple upon pink
pink upon purple
then a swirl
floating up
then forming a cyclone
and swirling wider and wider
erupting to red
melting down like a wax candle
to a pool of blue
And the blue continues to swirl and elongate
and blue bends back
then streaks across nothingness
and rejoins itself in a pulsating aqua ring
turning on itself and falling in
forming an orb
a blue marble spinning in felted black
ever faster
until the expanse of every world
every vantage point
You can never repay a good deed
But you can move it forward
In time
When you are ready
The gifts you gave
will not all come back to enrich you
But the love you were given
can spread from your heart
once it is healed
Once the scar crusts over
and the stitches break a hundred times
And you bleed
and scar
and fight infection
and live again
many lives
different people
in one changing body
Your time will come to not pay back
But to pay it forward
Over and over again
I don’t want to go home
What kind of place is that
Where you’re always alone
And you don’t know where’s what
I don’t want to go home
Staying late at the
local library
You will see me
in fiction A to Z
Looking lonely
sipping cold two hour tea
I will swear I’m not alone
Or not alone in fact
I will tell you going by
It will be quite an act
Because when you look where I look
You will see my lie
You will see my book
You will see my life
You will see my soul
You will read my breath
You will bear my grief
With different ammunition
We fight the same fight
With different observation
We plight the same flight
With different star alignment
We race the same course
With different world assignment
We blast the same force
This is where my friend died
This is where it happened
This is where he did it
Do you feel his soul
It’s his anniversary
Every day
For the mirror of my era
Twin of opposites, identical in particles
Disparaging in existence
Drugs took you
I wish you stayed
If the Stigmatines go
Where will I cry at midnight
Alone yet united with the world
Surrounded by glory and beauty
Every choice mine to make
Nobody telling me what to do
Complete freedom
I want someone to tell me:
You did a good job
Great work today
I see all the positive things you did
And hold me close
And inhale my hair
And tell me they will protect me
From the monsters they don’t see
We cannot retrieve the past
We must accept the present
We may change the future
What do we do with her?
Kill her!
Enslave her!
Torture her!
Pity her
Chapter 10
Kids heal, clothes don’t.
Your patience with my exotic nature,
as the expressions of my desires fall upon you;
how I yearn to serve you despite my past
Naysayers will slander the woman before you
who once was one of you
No matter how I appear, destiny led me here
From the drought to the flood;
from the cliff to the cave
Flying, diving, running
Industry; innovation
Still I sought the unseekable
Cry out for me!
My truth is your truth
Throughout the infancy of my womanhood,
growing with you,
grasping my fate,
and the secret promise I kept for you
For those whisperers who wonder at my beauty and grace:
those were bequeathed to me unassisted by any natural power
My only will was to serve you
My presence here today is a tribute to you
Long live and reign!
I hope you understand
You do not deserve to die
You deserve to live
And suffer
For a time
Doth not judge me
By the eras ’twitch I’m naught;
Nay, yet apprise me
By the devils which I wrought
The echo of your voice
Lingers in the dragon’s mouth
Its beak speckled with your blood
Its nest warm with your feathers
Your crown of life
A shadow in the bowels
Of new emergent creatures
Not satisfied with owls
Maths, measurements, menial means
Everything ends
But power,
controlled and sustained diligently,
can last forever
Eternal power
What other quest is worth living for?
Without the support of my writing community, I would be past the point of poetry by now.
Thank you to the new KK. Better than ever, and your unchanging love inspires me every day.
Maura O’Leary, you celebrated with me when “Subton Switch” was published, and made me feel cherished. You are an angel on earth.
To Betty, love Al. I tried.
Thank you Depression for trying to kill me so I could re-discover splinters of joy beneath my pain. Without you, Verdandi would not have recovered.
Coming Soon From Jessica Lucci
Facts in the Fiction of Subton Switch
Gustover Glitch (Book 3 in the Watch City Trilogy)
Chucky, Hockey, and Malarkey
Steampunk New Year
Also by Jessica Lucci
Waltham Watch (Book 1 in the Watch City Trilogy)
Behind Time (Facts in the Fiction of Watch City: Waltham Watch)
Poetry in the Prose of Watch City: Waltham Watch
Subton Switch (Book 2 in the Watch City Trilogy)
New England Seasons
Freedom For Me
Code Words
Sneak Peek: “Gustover Glitch”
Pinning the last silver braid behind her ear, she realized she would have to be someone else for the rest of the day; someone who she used to be, and would have to speak in that voice to faces she decidedly did not want to see. From behind the closed door, sounds of happiness were too much to bear. Without unclipping her intricate silver braids, she lay her head below the open window and sought the peace of thunder. Sleep refused safe harbour. Electricity through shallow clouds blinked hopefully, whilst beyond the stairs below her, tepid joy befouled the air. One bird, one book, one sacred nook. No one ever thought to look for her here. She had borne the pain of invisibility, and now it was her reprieve. When all had gone, night slid in. Gaining strength from solace, she stretched her arms and felt her fullness. She could be a ghost again, hiding in plain sight.
Telephony: https://telephone-museum.org
Oceanology and Marine Biology: https://www.ocean-science.net
Gemology: https://www.gia.edu
Fossils: https://brettonrocks.com
LGBTQ Human Rights: https://www.hrc.org
Missing and Exploited Children: http://www.missingkids.com/home
Alcoholics Anonymous: https://www.aa.org
Al-Anon: https://al-anon.org
Substance Abuse: https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline
Opioids and Teens: https://www.hhs.gov/ash/oah/adolescent-development/substance-use/drugs/opioids/index.html
About the Author‚Ä®
Jessica Lucci writes about modern issues while maintaining historic integrity. She makes her home in Massachusetts, USA, where she is currently conducting time-travel experiments with her budgie assistant, Lamarr.
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Twitter: @Jessica__Lucci Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessica__lucci/
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